Want a Dancer’s Body? Body Ballet®

You don’t have to be able to arabesque in pointe shoes to get the graceful, sculpted body of a dancer.

Body Ballet® is a program which will introduce elements of ballet, barre à terre, yoga, strength conditioning and flexibility training.

Body Ballet® tones up your body, increases your attention span and improves body alignment and posture. You will lose weight, naturally tone your muscles and sculpt your body. Jumps, elongations, abs, legs going up and down, and much more, while maintaining a good posture with the grace and poise of a ballerina.

Even if you’ve never set foot in a ballet class before, come to try something new, have fun, sweat a little, and ballet. Hope to see you all there!

Call me or email for further details and/or to register for the session of your choice (Barcelona). No experience needed.

Móvil 659241784

Carolina de Pedro Pascual

Want a Dancer’s Body? Body Ballet® Barcelona.
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