Roger Vivier Book

El calzado de Roger Vivier elevado al nivel de obra de arte se recoge en un libro indispensable para la biblioteca de cualquier fetichista de los zapatos. Roger Vivier supo impregnar su estilo parisino en los zapatos femeninos que durante sesenta años de carrera lograron etiquetarse como obras de arte. Los legendarios zapatos de Vivier, fusión del arte, del ingenio.  Un exclusivo libro sobre los diseños del legendario maestro Roger Vivier siempre con un toque de originalidad, cada uno posee su propia forma y estilo.

Editado por Rizzoli de New York el volumen rinden homenaje al histórico diseñador parisino.
Todo un tributo a una de las marcas más codiciadas dentro del mundo de la moda.

A gorgeous tribute to the legendary shoe and accessories designs of Roger Vivier. Master designer Roger Vivier elevated both the form and decoration of ladies’ shoes during his sixty-year career. His innate Parisian style embodied a sense of perfection and craftsmanship, and his work was coveted by style icons from Elsa Schiaparelli to Jackie Onassis. Described by Yves St. Laurent as bringing to his work a «level of charm, delicacy, refinement and poetry unsurpassed,» he created the first stiletto heel for a ready-to-wear shoe line with the house of Dior in 1955. His shoes are legendary, and the tradition of his innovative spirit continues with the revival of the house by current designer Bruno Frisoni, who has updated Vivier’s concepts, bringing his own touch to signature shapes and embellishments (including the buckle pump made famous by Catherine Deneuve in Belle du Jour). This lavish volume celebrates the history of the venerated house and charts the current evolution of the fantastic haute-couture designs that keep Roger Vivier at the top of every well-dressed woman’s list. With gorgeous new photography of the house’s collection of vintage shoes, beautifully rendered sketches, and details of the amazing accessories coming out of Roger Vivier today, this book is as chic as the shoes that fill its pages.

Roger Vivier
Written by Virginie Mouzat and Colombe Pringle, Contribution by Ines de la Fressange, Bruno Frisoni and Cate Blanchett

  • Pub Date: April 2, 2013
  • Format: Hardcover
  • Category: Design – Fashion
  • Publisher: Rizzoli
  • Trim Size: 9 x 12
  • US Price: $75.00
  • CAN Price: $80.00
  • ISBN: 978-0-8478-3974-2


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