Body Ballet® for women of all ages!

My experience has led me to create Body Ballet®: classical, modern and barre à terre. 

Body Ballet® requires style, imagination and elegance.

Smooth effortless deep and relaxed abdominal breathing, which requires training. Body Ballet® is a dynamic, varied and novel fitness activity, which allows women to develop their inherent performing and expression skills.

Body Ballet® must be acquired gradually, so initially class exercises and movements are basic and easy.

  • Every Body Ballet® exercise is learned gradually, allowing the time for every movement to become perfect.
  • Movements are always smooth and natural.
  • Body Ballet® does not include any sudden or mechanical movements.
  • Body Ballet® is exclusively for women; it is closely related to creativity, leaving room to imagination and sensitivity to music.

For women of all ages!

Coming soon to Barcelona!

©2013 Body Ballet

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