Body Ballet®: Ballet Workout

Body Ballet® is a unique!

Created by Carolina de Pedro Pascual it includes the principles of classical ballet barre training and adapts them to benefit the needs of today’s active woman – of any age. You don’t need any previous dance experience. This is a class for those who seek a complete dance workout!

You’ll work on every part of your body from your toes (yes!) and feet to your neck and head. The port de bras exercises, so well-known to professional dancers, will help your arms become strong and toned. You will develop a fundamental understanding of your own body’s ideal posture in and outside of class. This new way of carrying yourself can stay with you throughout your life. You’ll tone the core of your body and have healthy hip joints and back, improving flexibility and alignment.

After an energetic gradual intensity, class focuses on two distinct yet complementary exercise series; Barre è terre (Floor Barre) is comprised of mat exercises designed to greatly improve core stability and hip/ankle health and overall flexibility. Port de bras (carriage of the arms) incorporate exercises that focus on sculpting the arms and the back.

This is the reason why I have created Body Ballet®; different and efficient exercises; customised classes to suit every woman’s needs that will change their body and the way they feel it; classes designed to work out and sculpt the body without exhaustion, which are dynamic and very effective.

The class culminates with beginner ballet combinations at the barre to help develop grace, balance and coordination.

Body Ballet® is exclusively for women; it is closely related to creativity, leaving room to imagination and sensitivity to music.

For women of all ages!

Body Ballet®: Ballet Workout – Carolina de Pedro. España.


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